Introduction to AS coursework

My name is Ela and my candidate number is 9426. The other members of my group are Amber Mota (candidate number 9114) and Godgift Emesi (candidate number 9044). We are group number 3.

To access my work, please click on the labels on the right, entitled 'AS Research and Planning', 'AS Construction', 'AS Evaluation' and 'AS Preliminary Task' and ignore the rest that is classwork.

My Film Opening Sequence (Group 3: Ela, Gift, Amber) (New Guy)

My Film Opening Sequence (Group 3: Ela, Gift, Amber) (New Guy)

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

R+P Post 18: Our test shoot

Our test shoot will take place in 2 different locations (inside the house and in the school corridor) on Wednesday 4th February and Saturday 7th February. To prepare efficiently for the shoot, we will create 2 separate shoot-boards in advance (see post 13), which will help us to speed-up the filming process and work out the order of filming the shots. We also will sign the shoot organisation form to sort out the transportation of camera equipment to our house and back to school.

For the test shoot, we do not plan to include all appropriate costumes and props as we want to test the lighting and will not have the full cast available on that day. After the corridor scene test shoot, we will have a rehearsal with all of the actors in order to choreograph their movements as this scene is particularly difficult to manage. The timings of dialogue and action during this scene must be precise, so it is essential to inform the actors of how the shot is going to be filmed. As well as a test shoot for the corridor scene, we plan to film a run-through to show where the actors will be in the shot.

Reflections: A test shoot was crucial to our project as it allowed us to notice and fix any lighting errors in particular, and see if our ideas were possible in practice. The second test shoot (inside the house) required more editing techniques rather than camera techniques as we planned to include a split screen and short takes. After having filmed the test shoots, we have decided to produce one long take for the final scene as this was effective in showing the isolation of Arthur's character as he walks through the school corridor. An issue with this scene was the noise that the camera tripod made (wheels on the floor) however, this can be minimised by using speed cream on the wheels. For the other location, we plan to change a few camera angles and shoot earlier in the day (before 11am) for better lighting. Overall, both of the shoots went well apart from minimal issues that we will fix for the main shoot.

Run through:

Test shoot:

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