We decided it would be useful to make a storyboard to allow us to visualise our ideas of the shots and follow the continuity rules. The shots have been colour coded on our storyboard (YELLOW: close ups, GREEN: mid shots, PINK: long shots). We will use arrows on each shot to indicate camera and actor movement and stated any tracks/pans/arcs in our sequence. The images for the storyboard will allow us to complete the shootboard more effectively.
The storyboarding process, in the form it is known today, was developed in the 1930s and Walt Disney Productions to find potential problems before they occur and save time during the production process.
In order to put together our storyboard we will create a timeline of shots to make sure that the opening lasts exactly 2 minutes and each shot lasts for the correct amount of time. The timeline will include basic descriptions of what will happening in each shot and for how long the shot will last. Below is the timeline for the first 30 seconds of our sequence.
Construction of the timeline:
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