Introduction to AS coursework

My name is Ela and my candidate number is 9426. The other members of my group are Amber Mota (candidate number 9114) and Godgift Emesi (candidate number 9044). We are group number 3.

To access my work, please click on the labels on the right, entitled 'AS Research and Planning', 'AS Construction', 'AS Evaluation' and 'AS Preliminary Task' and ignore the rest that is classwork.

My Film Opening Sequence (Group 3: Ela, Gift, Amber) (New Guy)

My Film Opening Sequence (Group 3: Ela, Gift, Amber) (New Guy)

Friday, 16 January 2015

R+P Post 1: How we intend to work as a group

We are group number 3.

We intend to have weekly meetings every Monday between 4pm to 5pm, as well as a 30 minute lunchtime session on Tuesday and Friday (Week 1). In Week 2, our second session will be on Friday between 12 and 1pm.

To exchange ideas regularly, we created a Whatsapp group chat as well as a Facebook page. Our individual research and ideas will be posted on the page before each meeting. Group work is divided between members and we share any additional notes during meetings.

We have agreed to take individual responsibly for knowing in advance when and where meetings are taking place, and to be on time.

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